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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu's Regular Press Conference on October 26, 2010

2010-10-27 17:48

On the afternoon of October 26, 2010, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu held a regular press conference.

Q: It is reported that Chinese fishery administration ships and Japanese patrol boats confronted each other in the waters off the Diaoyu Island lately. Is this a move by China to assert sovereignty towards Japan? Besides, the new Commander of US Forces in Japan has recently emphasized that the Japan-US alliance should be strengthened. How do you comment?

A: On your first question, the waters off the Diaoyu Island are traditional fishing grounds for Chinese fishermen. China dispatches fishery law-enforcement ships to relevant waters to cruise and protect fishery activities based upon needs and in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations.

On your second question, as a bilateral arrangement, the Japan-US alliance should not harm the interests of any other countries including China. We hope that the development of Japan-US relations will play a positive and constructive role for peace and stability of the region.

Q: It is reported that China has recently halted export of rare earth to the US and Japan. What is the reason for that? When will the export resume?

A: It is China's sovereign rights to manage and control rare earth resources, which is also in line with relevant WTO regulations and conforms to China's WTO commitments. It's a common practice of all countries to restrict exports of key natural resources. Allegations against China in this regard are unreasonable. You may refer to competent Chinese authorities for specific information.

Q: It is reported that the ROK and the US have cancelled a joint military exercise in the Yellow Sea which was scheduled to take place later this month. How do you comment?

A: We have noted relevant reports and hope parties involved work to maintain peace and stability of the region.

Q: First, it's said that Premier Wen Jiabao and Indian Prime Minister Singh plan to meet on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit. Can you disclose the agenda of the meeting? Will the discussion cover China's visa policy toward residents of the India-held Kashmir? Second, Indian media says that Premier Wen is going to visit India later this year. Please confirm.

A: On your first question, China and India are staying in close communication on the issue. Once there's any update, information will be released in due course. China's visa policy toward residents of the India-held Kashmir is consistent and remains unchanged.

On your second question, I don't have information in this regard so far.

Q: During the recent Tokyo Film Festival, the two sides across the Taiwan Straits disputed over the name under which Taiwan participates. With the two sides gradually moving ahead along the road of peaceful development, is the Chinese Foreign Ministry still "blocking" Taiwan's participation in international organizations, activities and conferences?

A: You used the word "blocking" in your question, which I think is your personal understanding.

We have noted relevant reports. On the question of Taiwan's participation in international activities, our principled position is that reasonable and rational arrangements can be made through pragmatic consultation between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits under the precondition of not creating "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan".

Q: Indian Prime Minister Singh discussed relations with China in a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Kan during his visit to Japan. The two leaders agreed on the need to engage and actively develop relations with China. How do you comment?

A: We don't comment on the meetings between foreign leaders. Our policy to develop friendly relations of cooperation with India will not change. At the same time, we are committed to improving and developing relations with Japan.

Q: The Chinese Government is holding activities to commemorate the 60th anniversary of participation in the Korean War these days and sent a high-level military delegation to the DPRK to take part in its commemoration activities. Are these moves a response to Japan and the US strengthening their alliance?

A: A symposium was held in Beijing yesterday to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers entering the DPRK to help in the war to resist US aggression. Xi Jinping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice President of China and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) delivered an important speech on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the CMC.

I would like to emphasize that as a peace-loving nation, China is ready to develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries in the world and actively contribute to peace and stability of the region and the world on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

Q: It is reported that the DPRK Ambassador to China left his post on October 23 and his successor will arrive in China soon. Please confirm.

A: It is learned that Ambassador Choe Pyong Gwan has returned to the DPRK. Mr. Ji Jae Ryong, the new DPRK Ambassador to China arrived in Beijing today.

Q: How will China cooperate with France in financial and other fields at the G20 Seoul Summit?

A: China and France have cooperated actively and constructively within the framework of Group 20. At the upcoming Seoul Summit, I believe the two countries will continue to have close contact and consultation on a variety of topics on the agenda, including fiscal and financial issues.

Q: Will Premier Wen Jiabao meet with his Japanese counterpart on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit meetings?

A: We hope Japan take concrete action to create necessary conditions and atmosphere for leaders' meeting between the two countries.

Q: Has China and Zambia held diplomatic consultations over the Zambian mine conflict? What are the latest developments?

A: Thanks to the concerted efforts of relevant parties, the Zambian mine conflict has generally calmed down. The Zambian side is now conducting full investigation of the incident.

Amid the rapid development of China-Africa economic cooperation and trade, it is common that problems may arise. I believe the two sides can solve them in timely manner through friendly consultation. The Chinese Government will continue to urge Chinese companies and personnel in Africa to abide by laws, follow regulations in their business operations and conduct cooperation with African countries based on the principles of equality, mutual benefits and joint development.

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